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Allure Dance DC offers adult dance classes to students of all levels. Offering thrilling, leading-edge classes, our focus is on providing a strong technical background with innovative, fun material. Whether you are interested in learning how to dance, perfecting your dance technique, learning fierce choreography, looking for a great workout, performance opportunities, or place to share your passion and love of dance, Allure Dance is the place!


Check back for info on our Performance Series! Coming again Spring/Summer 2014

10 Weekly classes culminate in a live stage performance. Your chance to experience the thrill of performing on stage for a live audience! Choose from a variety of dance styles & solo opportunities.


We are located in Arlington, Virginia at the Theatre on the Run.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”

― Martha Graham​

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